South Africa Sports Minister urges South Africa to boycott Afghanistan match "It is not for me as the sports minister to make the final decision on whether South Africa should honour cricketing fixtures against Afghanistan. ...
01:00 Brazil WATCH: Brazil faces backlash over proposed abortion law Women’s rights defenders protested in São Paulo, urging the National Congress to discard a bill equating abortions after 22 weeks with homicide, ...
01:57 Women's rights Women entrepreneurs face financing hurdles in agriculture, FAO program offers solutions
02:20 Ivory Coast Ivory Coast: A government-led agricultural initiative to empower women and nourish communities
01:39 Democratic Republic Of Congo DRC: Pétronille Vaweka, activist, peace negotiator & Women Building Peace Award finalist
01:34 Burundi International Women's Day: Burundian women break gender stereotypes by taking on 'Men's jobs'
Nigeria Breaking barriers: Women in Nigeria defy odds to contest in elections, but face uphill battle