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Harris urges young Americans to 'stay in the fight'

Vice President Kamala Harris speaks to students and recent graduates at Prince George's Community College, in Largo, Md., Tuesday, Dec. 17, 2024   -  
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Jacquelyn Martin/Copyright 2024 The AP. All rights reserved.


Kamala Harris urged young voters "to stay in the fight," in some of her most extensive remarks since losing the election to Donald Trump.

Speaking to students, apprentices and recent graduates at Prince George's Community College, Harris urged them to keep involved. "The true test of our commitment is whether in the face of an obstacle, do we throw up our hands? Or do we roll up our sleeves?"

It’s unclear what Harris’ next steps will be after her term ends. Harris could try to position herself as a leader of the anti-Trump opposition. There’s also speculation that she could run for governor in her home state of California, where the next election is in 2026.

At 60 years old, Harris likely has another act or two in public life, maybe even another run for the presidency. But she could face stiff competition from other Democratic politicians and weariness from voters who want to move on after a dispiriting campaign ended with Trump's victory.

With Republicans taking control of the White House and both chambers of Congress, Democrats are still trying to figure out the best way forward for their party.

While serving under President Joe Biden, Harris toured college campuses and focused on issues that resonate with students, like gun violence and climate change. She also made sure to meet with young people overseas in Africa and Asia as she worked on U.S. diplomatic efforts.

After the Christmas holiday break, Harris challenged her listeners to come back, "ready to chart our path to the future."

"Chin up. Shoulders back. Forever impatient for change."

During the presidential campaign, Harris often talked about her love of Generation Z and the importance of rising leaders. It was one of the ways she tried to draw a contrast with Trump, who is 78 years old.

However, Harris did worse with young people this year than Biden did four years ago. According to AP VoteCast, a survey of the electorate, she won 51% of voters ages 18 to 29, down from 61% for Biden.

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